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Hello there,
Have you ever realized that you're probably extremely annoying and boring, because none of your 'friends' ever call you to meet up at their house, that you never be invited to parties and the messages you get are just from people who are asking you for homework? I think I am kind of this person, who never get called, but it isn't that bad, because therefore I have lots of time for going shopping and this is what I did yesterday.To the upper part of the city when we take the subway it takes at least 15 minutes to be there, and although I don't really enjoy being there it can be interesting now and again.So, I have bought a beanie for myself with rhinestone and a dark blue coat, which is really simple but wearable in many different combinations. Besides this I have bought a soap at lush. And this soap literally smells like heaven. I nearly forgot, but i bought a foundation at mac, too. Yes, I don't wear make up at all but seriously I just felt like it was time for me to get a foundation. (The photo do not fit the post, but I personally hate texts without pictures)
Hattet Ihr jemals das Gefühl, dass ihr wahrscheinlich ziemlich langweilig und nervig seit, weil keiner eurer Freunde euch jemals anruft? Ich glaube ich bin so eine Person, aber das ist nicht so schlimm, denn deshalb habe ich am Wochenende fast immer Zeit in die Stadt zu gehen. Gestern war ich also einkaufen und ich habe eine schwarze Mütze gekauft. Eigentlich nur weil sie so schöne Glitzersteine drauf hatte. Außerdem habe ich noch eine Seife bei Lush und eine Foundation bei Mac gekauft. Nicht weil ich mich besonders viel schminke, sondern einfach, weil ich das Gefühl hatte es wäre an der Zeit eine Foundation zu bekommen.(Das Foto passt nicht zum Post, aber ich hasse Texte ohne Bilder)
Great post!
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